I Am Moving

Please take the time to visit and bookmark my new personal site, EvanSamuels.wordpress.com, where you can find all of these transcriptions and more as I will be phasing this page out over time. Thanks.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Beatles - In My Life solo

So here's something a little different. This is the piano solo from "In My Life" by the Beatles from the album Rubber Soul. I was listening to this the other day got the solo stuck in my head. It's a very catchy and clever little solo that, according to Wikipedia, was actually played by producer George Martin at half speed and an octave lower and then sped up to match the tempo and pitch of the song. Pretty simple chords, all in the key of A with the exception of the A7 in bar 2 that tonicizes the D and the D minor in bar three which is a pretty standard device creating closer voice-leading to the A chord. Well there you have it.


Anonymous said...

My favorite song ever! And my favorite piano solo! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You!!!!

Opal said...

Thank You for the transcription ^_^